..:: Hackarandas - Hacking Projects ::..

..:: Hackarandas ::..

hex2ascii.pl.gzType: Perl Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
Description: Converts and HEX string to ASCII.
0.26 Kb
ftpdirgrepable.pl.gzType: Perl Script
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
Description: This script receives the user, password and host and connects to the FTP server creating a file with the list of the files of the account.
0.77 Kb
john-1.7.2.all.patchs.tgzType: Binary.
OS: Linux.
Description: Statically compiled and completely patched version of John the Ripper that can break: DES, BSDI, MD5, BF, AFS, LM, NT, PO, raw-MD5, IPB2, raw-sha1, salt-sha1, md5a, KRB5, bfegg, nsldap, ssha, oracle, MYSQL, mysql-sha1, mscash, lotus5, DOMINOSEC, NETLM, NETNTLM, mssql, mssql05.
1930.62 Kb
DSL.BrowserSafe.VM.7zType: Small VMware Machine.
OS: Works on Linux and Windows.
Descrition: Portable secure browser appliance in 50 MBs based in Damn Small Linux and Qemu.
52981.87 Kb
updateblog.sh.gzType: Bash Script.
OS: Created and tested in Linux.
Description: Script that updates a Wordpress automaticaly from the command line.
Post: Updating your WordPress Blog in a blink!
0.69 Kb
nmap.gawk.filter.gnmap.awkType: gawk script.
OS: Created on Linux tested on Windows and Linux.
Description: Filters the nmap's grep output (.gnmap) and creates files with a list of IPs of an specific port. It makes 2 files for each port, one with the banners that nmap found and other with just the IP so you can combine this with Hydra for example.
2.29 Kb
uncomplicatedwipe.ksh.gzType: Korn Shell Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
Description: Script for securely deleting files in Unix with only a ksh, other basic unix utils and a /dev/random device.
0.73 Kb
ascii2hex.pl.gzType: Perl Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
Description: Converts and ASCII string to HEX.
0.28 Kb
lotus.notes.crawler.p1Type: Perl Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux againts Lotus Notes.
Description: NSF WebCrawler that extracts users and passwords from a Lotus Domino vulnerable site.
3.78 Kb
relayprobe.p3rlType: Perl Script.
OS: Created and tested in Linux.
Description: Probes an SMTP server for relaying bad configuration. Excelent for doing SPAM and Phishihg PoC in a Pentest.
Requires the MIME::Lite and Net::SMTP libraries.
0.99 Kb
checkconnection.sh.gzType: Bash Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
Description: Script that checks connectivity to a host. It Pings it, does a traceroute and check for ports with nmap, it also outputs your internal and external IP.
0.59 Kb
changemacrandom.sh.gzType: Bash Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
Description: Script for pentests that randomly changes your mac address of the device you input.
0.59 Kb
OpenSSL_0.9.7d_Win32.SSLTunnel.7zType: 7zipped statically compiled library.
OS: Windows.
Description: This is a OpenSSL binary I have compiled for the SSLTunnel using the Cygwin's Mingw compiler.
1021.96 Kb
HPUXDataProtect_RemoteShell.sh.gzType: Exploit - Bash Script.
OS: Created and tested in Linux against HP Data Protect on HPUX 11.11.
Description: Remote shell execution with root privileges.
0.95 Kb
ebcdic2ascii.pl.gzType: Perl Script.
OS: Created and tested on Linux.
It changes the format of a file from ebcdic to ascii. Used in a mainframe pentest.
Yeah... it also works with dd if=ebcdic.file.in of=ascii.file.out conv=ascii.
0.70 Kb
TrulyPortableWireshark.7zType: Compressed 7zip file.
OS: Windows.
Description: Truly Portable Wireshark for Windows modified by ch0ks and h3llb0y based on the Portable Wireshark from PortableApps .
You have to unzip this file with 7 Zip in C:\ and run the TrulyPortableWireshark.cmd with Administrator Priviledges. When you finish sniffing just close the Wireshark's windows and the script will clean all the files copied in the system. For uninstallation just delete the directory.
18620.10 Kb
Ch0ksPowerShell.zipType: Compressed zip file.
OS: Windows.
Description: Portable Windows DOS Command Prompt modified by me based on the Portable CommandPrompt from PortableApps with the GNU utilities.
You have to unzip this with
7 Zip in C:\. and you can change this parameters in the /Ch0ksPowerShell/Data/Batch/commandprompt.bat file to work on you USB drive.
Contains all the popular unix commands like grep, cat, tail, gawk, etc and works in Windows!
8973.72 Kb
gnmap2csv.rbEstre script busca dentro de un output grepeable de un escaneo por Nmap la IP de la maquina y genera un archivo con los puertos abiertos en formato (CSV) "comma separated value" que se puede abrir en Excel y pegar directamente en Word.
2.71 Kb
7zcompress.shType: Bash Script.
OS: Created and tested in Linux.
Description: Script that recursively super compress directories and files with 7zip.
0.40 Kb

Adrián Puente Zubiaur

Last Update
22 July 2019